I actually find it quite funny that he only passed his test a week ago and now he's getting banned for driving lolol. Might even have to re-take his test. Shame.
I've been such a lazy cow recently that my Mum has caught on. Did nothing this weekend apart from play League, eat, watch TV, eat some more, play some more. Should be doing my coursework but it's too easy for me to actually spend any time doing it. Started one a while ago and already done 200 words. No effort. Should have it done by Sunday if I start it Wednesday. It's only due next Wednesday.
Mum was asking me why I wasn't doing any revision and just playing all day. FFS. I hate it when Mum questions me about my life, she's pretty much accepted my independence but sometimes when it comes to study or work she worries too much. She never lets me have more than one day to relax and do what I want. I mean she expects me to be looking for a full time job by the time lectures finish - wtf, exams haven't even started yet, woman. I just get really angst-y and touchy when she gets annoyed at me for playing/lazing around too much, I need time to play as well as work, jeez. So much pressure from my Mum sometimes, I hate it *teenage ranting*
My body fucking aches at the moment because I've started working out again - this is coming from someone who hasn't worked out properly in 1 year LOL. Stopped working out as soon as I got together with the boyfriend (naturally), I feel like for a lot of girls, once you find someone you really love, you learn to accept yourself for who you are. Not meaning to sound soppy, but I'm beginning to love myself for who I am, it's slow but it's gradual - my boyfriend always reminds me of my beauty (vom). But I'm determined to keep fit for the summer, no aims for six pac abs but hey, we'll see what happens. Hating it at the moment because my body feels so weak and limp. Did press ups the other day and my elbow hurt for the rest of the weekend, tried to do press ups today and my arms felt like beansprouts. FML.
Weight wise, I'm trying to get down to 8 st. Currently, I'm 8 st 3. How hard can it be to lose 3 lbs eh? I've come a long long way from 2 years back when I was my heaviest at 10 st 5. Maybe the pressures of final year uni and masters has made my weight go bye bye. Who knows. Weight loss isn't always great though, I've lost a lot of fat in my boobs LOL. I'm not into this whole eat clean shit though, truth is, I cannot eat clean - I need to have the yummy unhealthy foods in my life or else I'll just be a huge ball of depression feasting off vegetables for the rest of my life. Tbh, you need carbs in your diet to burn fat anyway. It's just all about portion control and moderating the unhealthy shit against the more healthier shit in life for me.
Anyway, just thought I'd do one of these Q&A's since I'm bored as hell and trying to get sleepy.
1. Are you a very open or private person? Private. Well, I would say private but according to psychometric testing, I'm an extrovert so...
2. What is your favourite Christmas movie?
Not into Christmas movies much but Love Actually was pretty good, oh, and Bridget Jones Diary.
3. When did you stop believing in Santa?
Since he failed to come down my chimney when I was like, 8. Waited for him at midnight with my Dad as well. Totally stood up.
4. What do you get complimented on the most?
My eyes probably and hair (when it was long... sob sob).
5. How are you feeling right now?
Aching, all over.
6. If money was no object, where would you move to?
I would move into central. A year ago, I might've said I'd move to a different country but I've actually become pretty attached to my home city.
7. Who was the last person to make you cry?
Boyfriend. He always makes me cry T___T /truth
8. Did you make any resolutions for this year? What were they?
I actually didn't but I'll make some now...
- Work out until summer
- Revise hard for the exams
- Begin job hunting after exams & accept that I have to go out into the big wide world of work one day
- Quit League
- Save money
- Stop spending on crap I don't need
- Do lots of overtime at work to save duh monies
9. Is there a song which can bring you to tears instantly?
Nope. My heart is hard as nails.
10. Who was the last person you talked about sex with?
11. How did you bring in the New Year?
Karaoke with friends. I got sprayed with champagne though, wasn't nice as it went into my eyes.
12. Have you ever online dated?
13. Post a screen shot of your Twitter “Interactions” page.
14. Click on the messages tab on Facebook, post a screen shot (erase surnames for safety).
15. Post a screenshot of your tumblr activity page.
16. Do you believe in soul mates?
I do actually. I'm the type of person that believes there's someone for everyone as well.
17. Do you play video games?
Too many.
18. What age do people usually mistake you for?
Idk how to answer this one, I mean a few years back people used to think I was really young, younger than my actual age. But now, I feel like I'm started to look like I'm 22, maybe corner shop guys still think I'm under 18 (since I still get asked for ID) but sometimes I slip the net.
19. What or whom do you miss right now?
I miss the days where I used to sleep early and wake up early.
20. What perfume do you wear?
Depends on how I'm feeling. I usually wear Marc Jacobs Daisy now (because summer is coming), but for nights out, I usually wear Lacoste Pink as it's longer lasting and stronger. Used to be a huuuuge fan of Harajuku Lovers: Wicked but after 2 bottles of that stuff, I got sick of it.