Monday, 3 December 2012

Another one of these stolen from tumblr.

Another chance to learn more about me! Yay! /enthusiam

1. What is your middle name?
- My middle name is 書翹 (shu kiu) which is pronounced 'shu kiw'

2. Are you wearing makeup?
- I am indeed.

3. What colour is your toothbrush?
- Well, I actually have 2 toothbrushes (don't ask why), one is white and blue and the other one is white and pink.

4. Approximately how many posters are hung up in your room?
- There were 3 but since I'm roomless until further notice, none at the moment.

5. What does your hair product smell like?
- Er... I can't describe this, it smells like what shampoo should smell like?

6. Where would you rather be right now?
- Anywhere but home, this house is a mess, my parents are being insanely annoying. I'm just glad I've finished my essay in the library earlier.

7. What is the temperature outside?
- 11 C. Not too bad today but it was about 3C earlier in the weekend.

8. Have you ever dyed your hair? If so what colour?
- Multiple times. I first dyed my hair blonde (HUGE mistake, I was ginger), then I went back to brown, then purple a few times, light brown a few times in the summer then when winter hit, I went back to purple and now my hair is purple. I love purple.

9. What is the funniest word you know?
- Hemidemisemiquaver (yes, it's a real word, I remember when my piano teacher used to use it "hemidemi-wha?"

10. Name your favourite band starting with the letter 'M'
- MBLAQ (they're Korean in case you're wondering, oh).

11. What is your favourite pick up line? And has anyone ever used it on you?
- The only pick up line I can think of off the top of my head is "great legs, what time do they open?" (I know, I know it's so bad), it's not my favourite because I don't actually know many but I hope no one uses it on me EVER because it's one of those pick up lines that deserves a slap in the face or a kick to the groin.

12. Describe your first icon using only verbs
- Skip

13. What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought with your own money?
- A blackberry bold which I regret ever buying because it was the most overrated piece of technology ever.

14. State your favourite letter of the alphabet
- L (for obvious reasons ^___^)

15. What is your favourite accent?
- Northern accents are sexy as eff.

16. How did you celebrate the new year?
- 2012? I think I was at a friend's house party.

17. What do you call a brown fizzy drink that usually comes in a can?
- Coca Colaaaaaaaa.

18. Do you like fish?
- I do.

19. What is your most used tag?
- On tumblr? I rarely tag so this is hard to answer. Skip.

20. Would you rather ask someone out or be asked out?
- Be asked out... Actually I wouldn't mind having the courage to ask someone out. But that's quite unconventional for a conventional person like me.

21. What is your favourite Olympic sport to watch?
- 10m Diving.

22. Have you ever dumped anyone?
- Yes.

23. What do you want to be when you grow up?
- Happy.

24. Have you ever been to the United States? If so, where?
- NO, I really really want to go :(

25. What instrument have you always wanted to play?
- Piano, and I do play it. I wanted to learn guitar a while back too but that ambition drifted off somewhere and never came back.

26. Describe your dream partner's eye colour
- Green.

27. What do you order at diners?
- Anything with chicken in it :>

28. Coffee or espressos?
- Ew. I can't tolerate coffee let alone espresso, so... neither.

29. What is the most annoying song on the radio at the moment?
- I haven't listened to the radio in a while but Superbass was annoying in the summer about a year ago and so was Call Me Maybe (but I have them both on my iPod...)

30. How many contacts do you have on your phone?
- 77 contacts.

31. What type of music player do you own?
- 2 iPods, 1 iPhone.

32. Describe your favourite painting
- I don't have one, not really an art fan.

33. What was the best present you have ever received?
- My Macbook Pro this year for my 21st. I'm in love with it *shameless admittance*

34. Spring or Fall? Why?
- Spring, because of the random nice weather some days.

35. What was the last text you received? Who was it from?
- Aanisah telling me she won't be in today's lecture.

36. Would you ever paint your room pink?
- As much as I love the colour pink, an all pink room would just make me sick. I prefer neutral colours like beige and cream when it comes to my bedroom.

37. What colour is your underwear?
- Wouldn't you like to know? ;)

38. Favourite perfume scent?
- Harajuku Lovers Wicked Style is my favourite scent, not overpowering, doesn't make me sick of it after a while. Love it.

39. What celebrity do you think needs to drop off a cliff?
- Kim Kardashian.

40. Do blue eyes turn you on?
- Not particularly.

41. What meat do you prefer in a sandwich?
- Ham or BBQ chicken.

42. Would you ever wear a sweater to school?
- Sure!

43. What is the name of your current ringtone?
- I'm using the first few seconds of Jang Woo Hyuk - Shouting Out to Memories

44. Glasses or contacts?
- Glasses when indoors, contacts when going out. I like contacts more because they're unobtrusive but they can get quite irritating when you have a long day, wearing contacts for more than 8 hours is also bad for you.

45. What shoes do you normally wear to school?
- Converse/UGGs. I reaaaaaally want to wear my heeled boots but I haven't mastered the dangerous art of driving with heels on yet.

46. Where is your nearest television?
- Downstairs.

47. What is your favourite vegetable?
- Broccoli

48. When was the last time you drank milk?
- Oh ages ago, I can't remember when (and why).

49. What was your lowest grade in school?
- A 40 (which is a pass, you need 40 to pass a module), yeah, I suck so much at biological psychology.

50. Are you using Google chrome?
- I am, how did you know!?

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