Sunday, 22 September 2013

Hectic Sunday.

Another busy day at work.

Ever since sales kicked off, the shop floor looks like a bombsite after every 2 hours. I was so tired today my brain was running at about 10%, I made so many mistakes at the beginning of my shift - got confused with this guy's euros and coins that I accidentally overcharged him 5-10p without even realising or knowing what the exact amount was, typed in £500 received instead of £5 so I was shocked to see the change amount was something like £495. My brain was too slow to even try and work out how much the correct change was. Then these rude customers all came at once, some just looked unimpressed with the till queues and I overcharged this lady by accident and she was like "double check before you overcharge people" - er it was an accident, I'm sure you've made them in your life as well. What a bitch. Then there was this woman with a crazy kid running around causing havoc and his mum was unable to control him, my colleague got annoyed and said something and the mum got pissed off - I had to serve this angry mum as a result and it wasn't nice with her throwing bags at me and giving me dirty stares even though I did NOTHING to her. Then she demanded to see our manager - good, I'll let the manager deal with this bitch.

Closing time. I closed a section I've never done before and it took me pretty long, the table was trashed and I mean trashed. It looked as if someone had come and swept everything off the table and dumped it all back. There was shit dumped WITH THEIR HANGERS ON I mean like 10 of the same thing, I have a feeling someone (not a customer) did this, maybe a member of delivery or something - but oh well, I was left to sort the shit out. It took me forever to tidy that one damn table. Luckily someone helped me with the maternity section so it was about 95% tidy by the time I got to it. Went over to homeware to help out and it by 7pm it looked like it wasn't even done at all. Homeware was trashed, even more so than my table. All of us had to come help tidy it. It was fun with all of us there though, we all chatted and laughed whilst tidying and our manager is so relaxed even though she talks with an authoritative voice when she tells us to do things. I really like the kidswear team, I get along with everyone - we're more like a family sometimes than a team. To sum up my Sunday at work, I was pretty much on tills serving rude customers for the most part, then I was tidying the baby section with babies crying and screaming everywhere. Gosh, I hate it when a mum refuses to take her baby out even though he/she has been screaming and crying for 20 minutes - like, I understand it's hard but please do everyone a favour and do SOMETHING to shut your baby up.

The best thing that happened to me today was a cute little Chinese kid waving to me after his mum and brother left after paying. He came back to the desk and waved at me before running off to join his mum. I was like awwwwwwwwh HE'S TOO CUTE. He had that typical mushroom-bowl-Asian haircut too. So cute.

Other than that, I'm completely exhausted right now, filled with greasy chicken wings and rice that I had for dinner. I'll need a couple cups of green tea to emulsify that fat before sleeping. Going to grab myself some fruit, green tea and a slice of pandan cake when I watch Breaking Bad to end my night nicely.

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