I absolutely love this brand of nail polish, the brush applies the polish so perfectly and accurately. It's one of the very few brands I know that makes polish that doesn't thicken over time. There's nothing more annoying than your favourite polish going gooey after a few months even though you've stored them properly. I've heard that you can store them in the fridge to help them last longer but I'm not the type of person to fill my fridge up with nail polish rather than food. At £11 per pot it's quite pricey but at least the quality for the money you pay for is worth it.
I should have sorted them properly in the picture to show you guys which ones I added to my collection today but it's pretty much the first 5 from the left excluding the first black one. They are Queen Victoria Street, Devonshire Row, Kensington Park Road, Belgrave Place and Bruton Street. I think nail polish is my new addiction.
Because of the sudden haul of nail polish, my small nail polish bag couldn't hold all of these in so as I went shopping today in the late afternoon/evening, I picked up an interesting acrylic storage drawer set from Muji. Had a few discussions with the boyfriend about how I should store my polish in it so it kinda went from this:
To this...
Boyfriend didn't like the idea of my polish being stored lying down and I agreed with him because the polish lids can get glued on by the polish and storing them upright is always the best way. Plus, it was pretty much a waste of a lot of space - had to use BOTH drawers to fit all my polish if I stored it like the first method but with the second method, I could even fit more in the future. Even had available space to fit cotton balls using the second method - I know it's a waste of usage space but just for the purposes of the box being a nail polish box, I thought stuffing my cotton balls in there would be cool. I just love the lift up lid on this box, it's so convenient (you can see my reject polishes to the right...)
My night went from organising nail polish to actually spring cleaning half my room, my shelves looked so messy when I placed my beautiful nail box on it so I decided just to tidy the whole damn thing. This is what it looked like before cleaning:
Ermagad. So messy... boxes upon boxes everywhere, creams/sprays everywhere, was crazy messy. I had empty boxes because I'm a secret hoarder. I actually have no idea why I kept some - like my Links of London charm boxes, I must've thought they were cute or something because I kept them all piled up in the corner collecting dust. Sorted through the bunch of bottles on the left and found about 4 different deodorants, 3 body moisturisers, really ancient hair mousse, 3 different bottles of straightening spray/cream... I honestly have no idea why there were so many bottles of things I never use but just sit there wasting space. Threw away a lot of them as well as some boxes. I actually got creative with an empty box I found where my friend bought a mug for my 21st birthday and I've only just recently started using it LOL (I'm 22 now, sob sob). I cut off the flaps and made it into a little container box for my wires and chargers I had stashed up on my shelf - that's as creative as I can get really. I sorted through a tonne of rusty jewellery I had as well, didn't actually throw any away (hoarder instinct) so I just shoved them all in an old pencilcase and threw it in my hoarder cupboard.
So my shelf after tidying looks like this:
Much tidier, I managed to even get my grand piano jewellery box across from my other shelf as well which is a result. That jewellery box is the most awkward box to fit anywhere because if you angle it into a corner, it wastes a LOT of space around the sides. The nail box actually looks like it belongs there now compared to the other picture where you could barely even notice it amongst all the mess! Ended up arranging my shelf into 3 sections - from left to right: haircare, cosmetics and jewellery.
If you're wondering where did all the clutter go, the answer is here: in my hoarder cupboard LOL.
This is a cupboard full of might-be-useful-in-the-future items including: phone boxes, spare mugs, old netbook, pads of paper, hoard of re-useable bags, an old UGG box full of rubbish that I can't part with. Sigh, if only I had time and motivation to actually sort through this mess properly but just looking at it takes away my patience.
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