Saturday 11 January 2014

Exams are over but...

I don't think I did very well haha, I'm relying on coursework grades to bump my overall average to above 50 (or 50) at least. That's how bad I think I did. I always doubt myself and end up doing better than I thought I did, but this time, I KNOW for certain there's a possibility I might have failed one of them. Shit.

And also, the freedom was short lived (and still is) because I had to work today (Saturday) when I finished my exams on Friday *cries* I don't know why I didn't apply for 2 weeks off rather than just one (which, as my colleague put it when I was discussing it with him today - wasn't really a holiday since I had to revise hard, really hard). But at least I have a holiday next week, I'm going shopping for like, the first time ever properly with my boyfriend. Can you believe that after almost a year together, we've never gone shopping together? Our schedules just never make it so we have free time to shop really, weekends are always a no-go for me. I'm kinda excited but I know I'll hate shopping with him judging by the kinda person he is...

I'm tired as hell today because I woke up early to go Bicester Village with my family. For those of you who don't know, Bicester Village is this place up north (near Oxford) that sells discounted designer stuff in outlets. Pretty cool, but prices are still in the crazy region. My mum has been longing for a designer bag to show off to her friends (such a kid, I know), so me, my brother and dad decided to buy her this Burberry bag that she saw. That's pretty much all my Xmas earnings from work gone but at least my mum is happy =) then after that, I went straight to work for 4 hours and now I'm feeling deadddddd.

Also, my Grandma passed away a couple of days ago, I'll be going Hong Kong for 5 days in Feb to attend the funeral. I never really knew my Grandma but looking at pictures from when I was little, it was a bit emotional. She was the only grandparent I got to know so it's a big deal. I was upset when I saw my mum cry even though they had all saw this coming, that soon my Grandma would leave us. I think I'll cry when I see my mum crying at the funeral, I've come to realise that with age, I've become a lot more emotional...

R.I.P Grandma, you'll always be in our hearts.

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