Thursday 16 May 2013

I need to stop staying up till 5am every day.

Although I've proven to myself that I can go and sit an exam with 3 hours of sleep it's not ideal for me. This is a result of not having any 9am lectures for the whole of my third year - it's turned me into a lazy shit at most. How can psychology have lectures set at times like 4pm-6pm but the exams are mostly 9am?

Another reason why I've been up at such nocturnal times is my boyfriend. He's completely screwed up his sleeping pattern derp. So we have phone calls at 3am, ending around 5am. I don't think either of us can fix our sleeping patterns, it's just not possible unless we have 9-5 jobs. On another note, he really made me smile yesterday, he told me he left me a note from 3 months ago when he first came round to my house LOL. Obviously, I didn't find it so I was searching around for it and eventually found it crumpled up in the corner of my bookcase squashed by my huge folder. Ahh he's so adorable.

So I'm supposed to be revising right now but I've become so lazy because freedom is almost here. Instead, I'm sat waiting around for my deliveries. I bought quite a lot of clothes to last me for the summer (providing there is a summer this year), I bought a cardboard box (yes, a cardboard box) so I can ship my books away for money - I'm getting £60 for most of my textbooks. It sounds like a lot but it really isn't considering all of my books were bought for around £300 =/ I'm getting like 1/5 of the money back... sigh. But oh well, they won't do any good sitting on my bookshelf and will just end up in the attic a few years later. Finally saying goodbye to psychology!

On the positive side, I've been losing weight - the pill didn't really affect my weight, actually, it made me lose weight. I'm back on the patch now which didn't do much to my weight but I really feel like it makes me retain weight easier, so I might need to be careful. It's not worth staying on the pill for big breasts and weight loss in exchange for depression and paranoia.

Mum and Dad are going to Edinburgh on Sunday for a 3 day holiday. I hope they don't get lost, we've taught Mum how to use Google maps on her phone like 100 times already. Somehow she's still under the impression that she can't use Google maps on holiday even though she's in England. She thinks she can only use Google maps in London LOL. My parents and technology really don't go well together, yet they both have an iPhone each. Doh.

Time to revise...

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