Wednesday 2 January 2013

New years resolutions.


I never make new years resolutions but I was thinking, I'm growing up pretty quickly now and it's about time I think about some of the things that need prioritising in life.

P.S. This is just mindless brain fart from me today, I haven't actually sat down to think about new years resolutions, this idea just spontaneously came to me right now because I need to carry on with my essay and I'm trying to run away.

  • Work over play
    • Let's face it, I don't have much time to play anymore, being in 3rd year and all even if I want to work hard play hard, it's not really that possible.
  • Spend less, save more
    • I've been trying to do this actually but I realised I may have spent a little too much on boxing day sales. But then again (here's me trying to justify my actions... again), I didn't spend anything all term until Christmas. 
  • Eat healthily
    • I've been trying to do this too. Nowadays, I make every effort to avoid things like KFC, McDonalds, instant noodles, processed food, alcohol. I mean, obviously if they're things you like, you shouldn't cut them out of your life completely because you'll be tormented by inner demons telling you that you want it and then you'll eventually have it anyway but feel super guilty afterwards. Moderation is the key here. But whilst in moderation, I do want to eventually cut those things out of my life completely (okay, maybe alcohol isn't possible to cut out completely, I don't see myself being a tee-total person around a bunch of people drinking).
  • Be more responsible
    • In 2012, I found out a lot about myself. Especially how naive I was about life and the world around me. No matter how much I want things to go well for me in the future, I've learnt that there are times where I have to take responsibility in finding out how to get to where you want to be rather than depend on others. I guess I've learnt to become less dependent on other people and maybe even more independent than I already was.
  • Be more positive
    • I'm usually really negative, about myself, about life etc. I guess I could say that towards the end of 2012 I started to become more positive, even with the amount of work I had to do, the amount of deadlines and endless stress, I still got through everyday, meeting deadlines, keeping on top of what needs to be done. I'm always thinking I can never do it, I'll always feel like giving up but at the end of the day, I haven't given up, I'm still here, I haven't dropped out of university and that's what counts the most right? 
So yeah, there's 5 things I want to do in 2013. Anything else can come as a bonus.

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