Thursday 20 March 2014

My Odd Red Eye and Bad Lectures.

Saying 'red eye' because I don't want to use the term 'pink eye' as we all know what causes a pink eye...

So I've had 1/4 of a red eye for the past few days, I'm pretty sure it's not an infection because I'm not weeping pus or constantly crying out of one eye. I did get some episodes of blurryness though but after a few days of being on Viscotears (these eye drops are magical, seriously, if you get dry eyes often invest in some Viscotears), the blurryness went away - I hope I'm not going blind.

I had the worst example of a lecture today, I'm glad I decided to be late and miss the first 30 minutes, I'm less glad that I didn't decide to be a lazy bum and stay at home. I could've been more productive with coursework if I stayed at home. The lecturer gave us a lecture on being obvious - "a balance scorecard is a scorecard that is balanced", thank you captain obvious. He spent the little time that we had defining every definition that was already written down in our workbooks. I really felt like I left that lecture with no more knowledge than I had before coming to the lecture. I felt like I gained no more knowledge than I would have gained staying in bed and sleeping till 3pm. He even kept us 30 minutes longer to explain some more pointless information that is already written in black and white in our books. Believe me, everyone was a bit pissed off by the end of the "lecture". By everyone, I mean the 9 out of 20 of us that bothered turning up.

So glad I have the day off tomorrow... Oh wait, I have coursework to complete since I'm going to a friend's birthday on Saturday.

With regards to my earlier Android KitKat entries on battery issues and stuff, the issue was actually fixed for about 2 days, but now it's draining again. Did a little more research and I'm actually planning to go more in depth with fixing the issue by rooting my device - except this time, I'll make sure to unroot before I install any updates. So the plan is to root the phone, see what's draining my battery using Wakelock/BBS (whichever is better, I haven't actually tried out BBS yet but Wakelock doesn't seem to show information in a language I can understand...) and nip the problem in the bud.

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