Wednesday 10 October 2012

Busyness - continued.

Aside from being cryptic.

I've been so busy this week again. I literally have no time for anything - yes, I have days off but those days off are days off from lectures - not days off from work. I'm literally doing work 6 days a week for uni and then Sunday is my only day off where I do nothing. Life is hard as a 3rd year, in a way, I'm glad to be introverted, it might sound selfish of me but I quite literally feel like I have no time for anyone/anything. I'm just focusing on work and keeping healthy by doing badminton and drinking gallons of tea.

These 3 days have been a bit of madness actually starting from Tuesday, woke up in a panic thinking I've missed my PA meeting, to realising that it's actually on the following day at 10:30am. Tuesday, I had a meeting at 2pm which lasted a full hour until 3pm - got home around 4pm with all the school run traffic. Mum's iPhone arrived so I had to set that up, tried to set my Dad's iPhone up too but looks like my brother's shitty hand-me-down iPhone 3GS wasn't cutting it. Went into Hounslow with Dad to try and sort it out but to no avail. Today, I had my early meeting with my PA, ended short so I ran over to the computer lab to get some ethics approval forms sorted again, ended up arriving late to my lecture. Lecture ended early, ran off to the computer lab again with my research group and eventually did all the ethics approval submission things and finally booked a spot for risk assessment of our project. Phew. Got home, as soon as I stepped into the doorway I was greeted by my Dad - "WE'RE GOING OUT TO BUY ME AN IPHONE TOO! COME COME!", so I was back out again. Bought the damn iPhone (I don't even know why my tech-challenged Dad is getting an iPhone - he can barely use his crappy Samsung Tocco Lite), got home, set it up, got their screen protectors sorted. Gosh, I feel like I've done so much this week. I definitely need a little wind down tomorrow before I start doing my reading for Occ psy.

So that's pretty much my week in a nutshell. Next week will be just as stressful because the ethics deadline is due and I'll be finally starting my personal statement for my application to UCL - scary times.    

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