Wednesday 17 October 2012


I guess I can kinda see why 3rd years are rarely in, there's so much to be done once lectures are over.

I'm just waiting till I get a nervous breakdown from all this stress. Today was the worst, deadline for ethical submission is tomorrow so me and my group were running around campus from lecture to supervisor's office to reception to get things handed in and signed - had about 8 bits of paper flapping around to hand in. Then I went to the library - almost forgot about the book I reserved and then finally walked the length of the campus back to my car to go home. When I got to my car, holy shite, my car was a MESS. Basically, I couldn't find a space this morning, I don't know what it is about today specifically but the car park was full! The car park I always park in is never full so I was trying to decide whether it would be worth driving to the other car park to check for spaces. Time was running out so I just parked my car anywhere, by anywhere, I meant in a bush, where it was impossible for me to get out of the car from the driver side without being stabbed to death by thorny branches. Had to climb out of the other side like climbing out from a wreckage, was quite embarrassing indeed. When I finally got out, I figured I should park my car a little closer to the bush so cars can pass by my car easier and perhaps avoid collison or even scraping my car - I mean, I'm not even parked in a space, my car looks abandoned if anything - so I climbed back into my car to reverse a little and adjust. Little did I know the mess I was creating by climbing in and out, until I got back to my car - there was dried mud everywhere from the passenger side, to the carpet on that side, to the controls side, to the drivers side. Oh also a bird shat on the top of my car to add to the mess, cheers.

So it was after I cleaned the interior up could I finally go home. I was driving like a lunatic on the way home, I got to uni today in record time of 25 minutes by speeding everywhere. I was worried I'd be late because I was extra picky about what to wear today for some reason, making myself a panini took a long time too.

Good thing is that it's Wednesday, my 4 day weekend starts here (not much of a weekend because I have work to do for the next 3 days), project is on hold until training day (29th), personal statement is written, proof read - all I need to do is give it to careers to check it over one last time before I submit it to UCL. Mum and dad are treating me to lunch tomorrow because they know how hard I'm working this year, d'awww.

I love my parents, they called me today in the library asking if I wanted them to buy me new tights. Totally made my day.

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