Friday 5 October 2012

Hacking cough, deadlines, meetings - what else?

Stress of life is making me tres ill. 

I've had some nagging persistent cough for about 3 days now as well as other random sorts of ill health symptoms. I wouldn't say I'm at the point where I'm bed-bound ill but this to me is a nuisance. Either I've caught onto someone's fresher flu being on campus or I've caught a bit of freshers flu myself. I can't lie down without breaking into random coughing fits. FML. 

Deadlines. I have a deadline on the 18th to submit my ethics for approval, that's pretty much done now anyway but it's a deadline nonetheless. The word deadline just makes my stress meter rise a tiny bit even if I know it's already done. Just having that something to remember and think about is quite stressful already. 

I have meetings with my personal advisor and project supervisor which neeeeeds to be done. I need to request references from them as well to apply for masters. I was undecided but I guess I've decided again. I was considering other things but after speaking to my brother I think I've decided to stick with plan A. Plan B will be the MRes -> PhD route. I'm not too big on doing a PhD, can you imagine another 3 years of university on top of your original 3 years? I mean, fair enough if I get a job out of it but holy shit, 3 years of my life spent learning and another 3 spent on research? I'm not too sure. I wouldn't be sure what my parents would say either, I mean, can you imagine me with a PhD? I can't LOL. Mum and Dad would probably be like "YOU WON'T FIND A HUSBAND." - for those of you who don't get it, my parents are them traditional parents that just want their kids to hurry up and get married after education. Also, they'd have a problem with me being "overeducated" to marry if you get what I mean - would men feel belittled dating someone with higher educational qualifications than them? Sounds like a very old fashioned thing. 

But for some reason, I myself wouldn't want to marry a guy with lower qualifications than myself. That's just a personal view, no offense to anyone. Of course, it would be a different story if his earnings were more than me.

Thank god it's Saturday tomorrow. I've had such a hectic week getting used to uni, applying for my parking permit, getting final bits of the first part of my project together for the first deadline, buying books (crater in my bank account already), printing papers to read for the week, deciding on dissertation supervisors, deciding on dissertation topic, coming home on Wednesday thinking I can have a lie in after a long 3 days and finding out I have an eye test the next morning, then also realising that I have to be up early on Friday to visit the care home. Crazy week. Definitely not used to being busy.. yet. 

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