Sunday 7 October 2012

Sunday evening.

Sunday evening, supposed to be relaxing but I have work to do.

I'm trying so hard not to fall behind on the first week because once you fall behind, it'll be so hard to catch up and the more you fall behind the more impossible it becomes to catch up.

So I've still got about 3 papers to read, supposed to be consolidating my notes on Wednesday's lecture today (because I got lazy on Thursday so I'm already a day behind). I guess I'll do that in a moment.

Mum and Dad bought a new car today. Yes, a brand new car, 2012 reg. I'm kinda jealous, it'll make my little Mazda look like crap. Speaking of Mazda, my Dad is officially transferring ownership over to me so in a month or so, it'll officially be mine (not that it isn't already, I'm already the main policy holder for the insurance... just to make things official you know?). Haggling over at the dealership was such a long process today. Mum wanted £2k for the car but of course their shitty banged up old Nissan Primera isn't worth that much. At first they only offered us £2k discount off the marked price of the car (part exchange + contribution from the dealership), but we managed to haggle an extra £1000 off the price of the car which was great. Basically, my parents ended up leaving with the deal they wanted. I love how they always threaten to leave whenever they hear an unfavourable deal. The sales guy was all panicky because we were about to leave haha.

Ergh, the thought of having uni tomorrow depresses me. I'll have even more work to do then.

Time to go get some work done now.

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