Wednesday 28 November 2012

How to stop having a bad day.

Talk to someone about it. Seriously.

I find opening up to people the best therapy for having bad days. There's always this someone I can rely on to vent my frustrations to. I wish I had more people in my life like that.


I'm home now, in a much better mood than when I left and when I made that blog entry earlier. I even helped my Mum write her email. I found spending the whole day at uni and a few hours at my friend's house just away from all the stress at home really works. I was in a really bad mood but being immersed in my essay and managing to add 600 words to it today has actually really heightened my mood.

I was talking to my friend about marriage and a whole bunch of other things as well, we have such similar opinions on life despite leading very different lives. I really respect everything that she's done and the hard work she puts in, I might not know about all her problems in life but based on what she has told me I really respect her. I assume that her family problems are much more complicated than mine because there's more than just the regular arguing with Mum and Dad involved. But after hearing how she has changed through the first 2 years at university has really made me reflect on myself and how much I have changed through these 2 years. University is what you make of it, for some like myself and my friend, it's a life changing opportunity that makes you find yourself and find out who you are. For others, they come out of university still the same person. Maybe my time for maturation was these past 2 years. Talking to my friend today has really cheered me up, she didn't do anything lavish or specific to cheer me up but just being there to chat to and talk about other things (we talked about nerdy stuff like science and how medicine can be bad for you - I honestly never imagined myself to want to talk about academics outside of university time) has really helped.

No longer the once angsty teen who would flip out and do crazy things when situations were bad (I really regret things I've done in the past), I feel like I've learnt to accept and open up to people more, being honest with other people, being mature, not holding grudges against silly things, taking other people's feelings into consideration.

You live and you learn. Whatever bad things may happen to you, good things are sure to happen somewhere down the line.

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