Friday 30 November 2012

My (not-so-homely) Home.

Ok so if you've been reading a few of my old entries you should know that I was having my bedroom refurbished. Not sure if I've mentioned but from having my bedroom refurbished, Mum has decided to have the whole house refurbished whilst we're at it.

Luckily we have some really nice builders who go the extra mile to make our lives easier.

Anyway, I made this post to show you the state of my destroyed house (and the procrastinate some more, this essay really doesn't want to be completed...)

So.. If you were to visit my house, you'd see this stunning staircase...

With no carpet...

This is my living room...

We've basically moved the upstairs downstairs, just imagine the contents of your upstairs (if you have one) being spread around downstairs. We literally have about 5% living space. Our 2nd living room isn't as bad as this, about 70% of the stuff is down here, suitcases full of clothes next door. Bleh. Believe me, finding things in this mess is a headache - Mum packed everything away without considering what we may need so... Take yesterday for example, I needed a hole punch and since it's in one of these 20 bin bags full of stuff... Let's just say I drove to Tesco and bought a new one in my pyjamas instead. Oh yes, I have no clothes. I only managed to dig the suitcases with my clothes out this morning :(

WELCOME TO MY TEMPORARY BEDROOM. Yeah, the small pathetic looking bed in the far side of this picture is mine. So tragic.

This is my landing. Done today, they stripped all the wallpaper off and now the walls in my hall and landing look like victims of a fire attack.

On the plus side, floorboards are being put in tomorrow in my room and everywhere else upstairs. Yay. Progress +30%. 

Not really liking the idea of waking up at 8-9am every morning so far.

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