Thursday 1 November 2012

Those stuck in a constant loop of denial/Halloween.

I know a lot of people out there that refuse to face the immediate reality of their problems. It's the classic case of "running away from your problems" pretending everything will be okay, everything will work itself out in time. But deep down inside, they know that they have to deal with this sooner or later.

I don't really know why some people decide to stay in denial... The longer you leave a problem unsolved, the more it'll stay in your mind and the more stress you'll experience. For me, if there's a problem, I'll sort it - the sooner, the better. You know how they say problems get worse the longer you leave them, kind of like an illness.

I can't really give explicit examples of what I mean when I say in denial. Those situations where you know something isn't quite right but you decide the "just leave it for now and see later". Refusing to acknowledge that a problem exists is a mistake, in my opinion. Maybe some people find it hard to accept the truth for what it is, for at the time, running away might be easier than facing reality. But sometimes you just have to accept that X has happened and that you need to do something about it, only then can you move forward towards a solution.

Sorry if this turned out to sound like a life lesson but I just can't stand seeing people in denial around me. Sometimes the solution is really clear but people tend to overthink problems, which in turn, makes it harder for them to face it.

Well, just to lighten the mood before I lock myself up to do some reading for this week, here's my Halloween outfit from last night! I'm the one dressed up as Alice in Wonderland but I was really rushed for time so I didn't get the chance to smear blood all over my face. Oomph.

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